Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Preparation for SMKTM Water Rocket Competition 2009

Well, early of this year, me and my teammate was preparing for a water rocket competition...
We didn't get 1st place as expected because the launcher have some problem but it was great...

The team consist of:
1) Jeffrey Tay (me)- researcher, designer, builder.
2) Chan Weng Chung- air tank loader.

Let me show you...

Earlier Preparation

This is the launcher. The design is based on "Clark's Cable Tie Launcher". Detail about it go and find on the internet.

This is the full view of the early launcher... In the later version, I'll be adding handles and trigger to make it look like a RPG (rocket propel grenade) launcher.

The almost front section. I placed the pressure valve there so i could check the pressure to ensure I don't blow up the rocket.

This is the earlier version of the lock mechanism. In the next version I'll be using a spring or a bicycle hand brake system to open the lock. I'll also be adding some extra cable ties for more secure when locking the rocket.

This is the back section. I make sure the air valve is pointing downwards to avoid poking peoples eyes when I'm carrying the launcher.

This is the front section. In this picture, I loaded my rocket onto the barrel but haven't lock it yet since it is a waste of time.

In the nose of the rocket, I use a wooden chopstick and hot glue it to the bottle then I fit the cone on to give it more support.

Test Flight in School
Below is the video for the rocket test flight. Please watch carefully cause I use a camera so it is easy to miss the rocket landing.

This two pics were taken after the first flight test and as you can see, the support beam for the nose broke after the cone sank into the ground upon landing.

The cone was just a dented but the support beam snap in half.

Competition Day
This is one of the opposing team.

After launch, the nose totally tore and it crash land due to too much pressure, poor support beam, poor cone material, and broken barrel of the launcher.

Closeup view of the cone.

I predicted something like a failure would be unavoidable so I build a backup rocket. You'll Notice it's different from the other one.This is because this black rocket is build for speed.
Unfortunately the backup rocket also fail to fly due to the launcher broken barrel.

I'll post more update when I complete my new launcher and rocket. =D


Okie... I decided to delete my other blog cause it was troublesome and prefer to post on this blog.. =P

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Blog!!!

Yeah... this blog is already almost dead and I'm making another blog to show the stuff I make... weird rite?
anyway, this is the link

this new blog is called "DIY & MOD"... It's mostly about the stuff I make... =D

The Good Old Time

Hi... I know it's the last 2 weeks of SPM but what the heck, I'm bored... So, this is a vid of one part of the station hunt game in my Youth Camp last year...

Starring: Nathaniel, Joelle, Elise, Ivan, Kimberly, (Not seen in the video are Uncle Shan, Jeffrey(Me) and Lydia)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Holiday Fun!!!

Well my blog have been kind of dead for months so I’ll write about what happen on Sunday, 23/8/2009 when my church, MGC when for a church family camp at a place I can’t remember the name. =P

I was invited by my friend Melissa to play a game of dodge ball in the evening around 5.30pm, so I say why not? Sound interesting.

So around 5.40pm the sun was shining brightly (^.^)… so those who can’t use their imagination have a look at the pic.

Now what do we use to play dodge ball? Ball of course (duh =P)

One of this balls stink

So we played happily and this is the prove:

Ben: so.. this is how you throw d ball...

Ben: hei... help why am i carrying all he balls?!

I can do it!!!Amos & Melody: Throw a ball Mel!!!
Melissa : I don't have one!!!
Ben: This are heavy... Ivan throw at them!!!

Well, it ended kind of early like… 8PM!!! (O.O”) Lol…

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Counter Strike Special Edition Condition Pillow (MGCYP)

What you will see now is something to do with the MGCYP 2008 Youth Camp!!!
Enjoy hahaha...