Sunday, February 28, 2010


Okie... I'm kind of bored and have nothing to do now beside blogging and making a pair of Hot Rods drumstick to replace the destroyed one in my church, reading my other friends blog and listening to music from Youtube.

I wish there is something to do.

To be honest, I wanted to go rock climbing everyday to become fit. But, money prob =P... I spend a lot lately. But now I suddenly look back to RBS as I'm posting some pictures now and I miss it a lot. The fun staffs, the delicious food, the weather, the people, games and sports like ping pong and captain ball, the mission prep and the other activities!!!

I hope to see everyone again soon... =P

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Team Shirtliff of RBS 2010 Performance at Daya Gospel Centre Youth Valentines Day Event

This was perform live by my team during our mission trip at "Daya Gospel Centre" during their Youth Fellowship for their "Valentine's Day" event.

Love Epilogue

The Heart Chair

By the way, videos was taken also by Solomon.If I missed anybody from my Team of what they did please tell me....

RBS Video of 2010

This is the video showed during Graduation Night at PJGH. Enjoy.

Special thanks to all the camera-man that took this photos and was willing to pass to me to help make this video a success.

Disclaimer: I "DO NOT" own the song!!!

God bless!!! =D