Thursday, October 28, 2010

A question of my laziness...

I have been recently thinking about my attitude, and I question myself, why am I lazy and blur? And I compare myself with my friends. If they can study and finish their homework/ assignment in one day, why can't I? If they can do well in exam, why can't I?

Now I think I know why. It's my attitude. You see, I'm a person that loves to be carefree. Not to bother about anything or everything. Just to live life as it is. But that cause me to become lazy. Because of my laziness, I suffer.

Well, now I have decided. I will not be lazy anymore. I will do my best to be hardworking. It will take some time to change my lazy attitude but I will do it no matter what.

Do pray for me. Thx. =D

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You Are So Faithful by Lenny Leblanc

A song I want to share... 

Like the sun that rises everyday

You are so faithful, Lord, You are faithful
Like the rain that You send
And every breath that I breathe
You are so faithful, Lord

Like a rose that comes alive every spring
You are so faithful, Lord, You are so faithful
Like the life that You give to every beat of my heart
You are so faithful, Lord

I see the cross and the price You had to pay
I see the blood that washed my sins away
And in the midst of the storm
Through the wind and the waves
You'll still be faithful, You'll still be faithful
When the stars refuse to shine and time is no more
You'll still be faithful, You'll still be faithful, Lord

Song number 566 in the Spectrum of Praise

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Some old picture from the past MGC Sunday School XD

FOC Training in MGCYP!!!
Taking our break before performance
Group photo after the actually FOC performance
Christmas Performance

My birthday in church!!!
Me giving a Christmas speech

Manazashi Daydream – Sakai Yuu

English Translation

Clearly 30° to my right,
Your silky, Niagara-like, long hair flies by
the faint smell of your Shampoo
fluttered at the tip of my nose

to be full with passion that occupies me all day
another simulator
But I can not say anything

Looking straight at Do
my heart goes Fortissimo
Asleep or awake, I think of U
The best stage is when my eyes are shut
with you overcrowding the seats
Ah, I’m going crazy!

Just like how you teach ABC,
Teach me how to dance in front, just as cherry blossoms do.
Do It !!
Time runs too quickly
when I’m thinking of you every moment

As if I was clumsily hit and my jaw broke
but it’s fine
It’s easy
right, I can not say anything

A rock like me ought to confess his feelings
rather than just looking at you pianissimo
Asleep or awake, I think of U
The best stage is when my eyes are shut
with you overcrowding the seats
Ah, how is it this serious?

I can not say…. anything
Looking straight at Do
my heart goes Fortissimo
Asleep or awake, I think of U
The best stage is when my eyes are shut
with you overcrowding the seats
Ah, It’s too dazzling!

I still can not see your eyes
A rock like me ought to confess his feelings
rather than just looking at you pianissimo
Asleep or awake, I think of U
The best stage is when my eyes are shut
with you overcrowding the seats
Ah, how is it this serious?

Saturday, October 23, 2010


How lovely is Your dwelling place,
Oh Lord Almighty
My soul longs and even faints for You
For here my heart is satisfied,
Within Your presence
I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings

Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere

One thing I ask, and I would seek,
to see Your beauty,
To find You in the place Your glory dwells

My heart and flesh cry out,
For You the living God
Your Spirit's water for my soul
I've tasted and I've seen,
Come once again to me.
I will draw near to You.
I will draw near to You.


 TIME!!! Something that is unchangeable... No one can stop, fast forward or rewind time...

So that is the reason why we should appreciated the time we have... Unfortunately I'm not... My time management is very bad actually. I can never finish my work on time without stressing out. Even when I'm having a test next Wednesday, here I'm blogging away.

Sometime we wish we have more time. But we can never change the fact that we only have 24 hours a day, minus the amount of time we sleep, we will only have so little time to do something.

So I'm doing my best to change my attitude. To use my time wisely. What about you? Think about it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Horror crash near NS-Malacca border on the 10/10/10

On Monday morning, 11/10/2010, I bought The star newspaper like any other day. But this time it was different. The front cover was about an accident which took place around 6.50pm and at the border between Seremban and Melaka.

It was a scary news about how badly the accident was. To make matter worse, I was invited to a group titled "Pray for our macho guy... Ah Yong.... hope he will get well soon.........".

The first thought that came to my mind was, "this must be a joke, this can't be the Ah Yong from college". But then as I kept reading the whole page of the event, all I can think of is, "crap... is the big guy all right? God, please help him (f.y.i, I'm a Christian)". and the next thing I was sending e-mails all of my friends to ask them to help pray for Ah Yoong.

Tan Giin Rong also known as Ah Yong is 18 this year, a student of Tar College main branch and my course mate. The news about him involving in the accident was shocking and sadden me in a way.

Within two days of the incident, many articles could be found online. But so far, the article with the most detailed information of pictures which I could find was from this link:


So do pray for my friend, Tan Giin Rong and all of the other victims of the accident...

Friday, October 8, 2010


My college semester 2 have started like 2 weeks ago and now I have to join a co-curriculum activity. And out of all of the activities, only Taekwondo is available for me. Not to brag but I have learned WTF Taekwondo 7 years ago but I did not like it because of how undisciplined the class was at that time so I stopped and I joined Shito-ryu Karate-do until I was 15 and I enjoyed it. Hopefully this time, this Taekwondo willl be better.