Thursday, June 11, 2015

Belated 23rd Birthday Post

Well, this was suppose to be my personal birthday post but well, I've been procrastinating.

Since my last post, I just turn 23 just last month and I feel the need to be more mature and responsible. Doing my assignments, my final year project, training with the softball society, making time to serve in church, helping in building a new ministry in church, spending time with my friends and family and to always be ready to give a helping hand or a listening ears to others.

I think to say that with many people coming and going in my life, I'm glad to meet so many people in my life. So I've decided to write a short post of some of the experience I found interesting and on the people I've meet.


I've been experiencing many things especially during my internship. Stuff like how the industry function, what people do, how it is done, why, how adverts have to go through censorship, the different terminology and much more. Just take note that I did not get any special treatment. I got proper projects and have to learn to us a Mac and Final Cut Pro editing software in a few hours on my first day.

Thought it was hectic, I guess I do not have any regrets for interning at this company but I definitely might not want to work in this industry. It really does give me the understanding on how stress the post production house are. Despite the stress, I guess laughter and jokes was the only thing keeping most of the people from going nuts. Example, posing with me while I was sleeping at my workstation.


In college, there is a group of students calling themselves the Awesome group!!! It consist of students with many different personalities and character. We went through a hell loads of assignments, completing our Diploma, going through our Degree, some even plan to study overseas in the future (one went to Ireland instead).

In Genting Klang, Prima Setapak which is now like a 2nd home to me, there are Gazo (aka Panda), Ee Ching (my balcony chit chat buddy), Amber, Rex, Evans, Edward (have the most Gundam), Khai Cheng, (Ksea or KC) and Chew Poh. They build loads of Gundam,Valvrave and One Piece models too. I'm actually interested to see them build a wall out of the Gundam boxes XD. The one thing I love about their house is balcony. Here, I can see the sun, enjoy the wind and to just relax and quiet down my heart.

There are also Guan Fung (the most joyful person), Lance (DoTA player), Cherry and Timothy. Even new friends like Eunice and Chin Keat have join our group!!!

In the class there used to be the 3 J's. Me, Jaymie and Jocelyn (4 J's if you count Hooi Joe Ee :P). I remember a time where we wanted to group together for our English presentation. Sadly the class "begged" us to reconsider. Hahaha.

Me and Jocelyn were apparently called the "genius" or the most "hardworking" one among our groups of friends. True or not, compared to her, I'm just too tired to fight through my final semester of degree. Jocelyn is always very responsible and it was almost impossible to make her skip a lecture. If you need help/ advice, she will be there to listen and talk to you. On a side note, SHE IS THE FIRST TO GET MARRIED IN OUR GROUP!!! (-_-)

Then there is Jaymie, whom to me is someone I can call my best/ close friend (to me). She is a very fun and bubbly person with an awesome fashion sense. She can also be very caring towards the peoples she cares about.
Truth to be told, thanks to her being straight forward and honest to me on so many occasions, she actually did put some sense into me (I'm really glad she did). I tend to always remember the Domo she always bring around. Even in photos, that Domo is so noticeable XD

There is many things I could talk about my college mates but then it will be like writing a book thicker than an Oxford dictionary.


As long as I can remember, I've attended Melawati Gospel Centre. The youth numbers are smal, but we try to make do with what we have.  Its thanks to being around this people, and to those who took time and effort to help me, I was able to overcome my depression in my early years of secondary school.

Here is also where I meet friends who were interested in hiking. I'm so glad because I got the experience to hike up one of the most awesome hill in KL. Tabur!!! I even did my first 10km run with this people.

I guess the greatest thing I could experience here is to serve God in many ways. As a drummer, in the youth committee, camp committee, maintaining the church PC and helping out in various ministries to just spread not only the Gospel, but also the love of God to others.


There is my childhood friends, Yap Sern and Zarrah. This two have always been by my side when I was so depressed and suicidal (yes, I was suicidal. find it in my old emo post. It was a phase. Sue me). We would always hang out until it was late at night/ early in the morning. Chatting away, playing video games, going for a night drive. When we were younger, we would grab our bikes or walk to the nearest 7-Eleven in the Melawati Town and getting an earful by the time we all got home.

I'm glad that even though its be so long since we meet and left our childhood, we are still close, trying to take time off from our busy schedule to meet each other and enjoy our time just like the old days.


However, the greatest things about being 23 years old, is that I learned one very valuable lesson. DON'T BE PASSIVE!!!

So a passive person is someone who is someone who sacrifice their own preferences and needs, so that they can help others to meet their preferences and needs. There will be times in life when a person need to be passive, or, where being passive at that moment will allow one to build a positive relationship in the long run. The problem arises when they become consistently passive.

I was told about how people noticed how I treat myself, it really struck me to a realization. All this while I thought that being passive is good but actually, it was making it look like I'm their slave instead of a friend, that being overly passive is never a good thing. 

So not wanting to hurt  the people around me, and to fix this bad attitude of mine, I took time to sit quietly, and think about it. So helping others is something good but bad if it is killing me and making myself looks like I'm below my friends. Well, problem seems easy enough to solve. While reading and asking others about this topic (surprisingly everyone felt that I was being passive and never dared to tell me!!!), I found out that there should be a balance and I hope I could change this bad attitude of mine.


Indeed, I'm blessed with meeting many people throughout my life. Experiencing many things with them, doing crazy stuff and learning together before we hit the working life. I pray that God will bring more people into my life.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Belated New Year Post

Well, originally this was suppose to be titled as "Welcome 2015!!! A New Hope!!! A New Adventure!!!". However this have been sitting in my draft until today because I've been so busy.

However, for a busy college student, life can be hectic and tiring as there is many things to do. I just pray that it will be a more exciting and adventurous year to learn and try out new things as well as to keep growing closer to God. Without further ado, let me present to you how my December and Christmas was like!!!

The End of 2014

2014 was a really busy year for me because I have been busy with college, freelance and personal work. As usual, I would still make way to help organize for camp. Don't get me wrong. I love organizing stuff although I may not be a good in it or being a leader. However, thanks to God, I could manage my time and cramp in a lot of activities without breaking down and giving up but unfortunately, my body won't agree and I kept falling sick XD

This year we were back in Dominic Villa with our speaker, Uncle Dexter Ng for MGCYP Camp 2014, Focus on God. !!! Who was also my principle for RBS 2010. Furthermore, this was also our (mine too) 10th Youth Camp after the apparent long break by our YP seniors. Weather was cold, peaceful and even one of the morning was beautiful and blue with a beautiful sunrise glow. 

Due to popular demand, we, the committee even decided to bring back just crazy fun. Filling up 200 water balloons and carrying them up hill in buckets. Everything was worth it though as we started the game. Water balloons flying, people shouting and screaming. Just pure fun and laughter especially when the balloons just bounce off people.


We even have two new friends outside of church. Daniel and Jeff (my nickname too XD) So anyway, I guess it was good considering that all of us could get along and try to build that friendship with one another.
We have games and crazy fun, screaming and fears. It was just too fun especially since we the committee can scare the campers. hehehe... We have the usual talent night with talented performers as well as our station games to run around and scream!!! Although I could not join them to play, I still find it fun to watch the campers enjoying themselves. 


Food was catered this year since the original caretaker and cook left the place. No matter, the catered food are just alright until the very last day!!! It was the best and we even took this photo just so Cikgu could see what she is missing out on!!! XD


Here comes the part of the year which most of us always look forward to. CHRISTMAS!!! We practice like mad (some of us), with all our heart and might, even when we were busy, sick or having sore throat. I mean, its all glory and honor to God. To share the good news about the birth of His son Jesus Christ.

Our coordinator is Yee Ling, our musicians are Samson and Reuben on the guitar and Wei Ling on the UKULELE!!! What made this year interesting was the song choice and how it was played. It was more upbeat, entertaining and really different. With the Ukulele to give a warm lively feeling to the song, it really made it fun to sing, to jump to and dance with!!!




Then there is our yearly OA Christmas mission trip!!! The twist is we had to take the back road into the next state all because December 2014 had one of the worst flood!!! as we were traveling into the state, we could see the water rising. Petrol station was rationing. We were worried that we could get in but could not get out for the next day was a working day. However, thanks

Water reached up to my waist by the time I reached to the porched of the house!!! We shared the gospel and the true meaning of Christmas to our brothers and sisters in Christ. We had lunch with them, talked and shared stories and pray. No matter the condition or even the trouble we faced, by trusting God we made it home safely even with time to spare at Mc Donald. :P


WELCOME 2015!!!

Semester break was a bore and it was mostly sitting at home and rotting away. Though I did meetup with some friends here and then, took the time to attempt to make a NERF gun and played games on the PS3 at my friend's place. Sadly time was up and internship began on the 2nd of February!!! 


So its been 10 days and so far I feel stress out. I'm an editor at a post production company, weekdays 10am to 7pm with Saturday 10am -1pm with Sunday off. I'm not really enjoying it since I can't really see my family or meet up with my friends anymore and there is literally no time for myself. 

On the other hand, the experience and job is interesting. Editing trailers and behind the scene videos for big companies like Sony and Disney and even some small adverts. It just makes me feel special that I'm sort of working with this big companies. The only draw back is the amount of spoiler I watched everyday. Looks like movies in 2015 is not going to be an interesting year for me.


 What is more interesting so far for this year is RBS graduation night. Beating an hour of jam, tired and exhausted after work, hungry, just to watch Wei Ling, Jannie and Eammon and all of the other new batch of RB 2015 students graduating really reminds me of the life changing experience I had in 2015. Though I guess mine was very dramatic with much tears and used tissues.

Hearing their testimonies really encourage and remind me about the commitment and fire I had during my year. When I was on that stage with everyone. With the thought, we will be changing the world step by step. We will become light and salt of the world. We are work in progress. A rough crystal waiting to be processed even further. To be cut and polished. So that when got light shines on us, we will be bright like the stars.

I pray that the testimony of RBS 2015, from the experience and learning, the growth and being closer to God, will enable them to become the future, the salt and light of the world. Bringing glory honor and praise to God.