Sunday, December 22, 2013

MGCYP CAMP 2013 and aftermath!!!

Ok, this was meant to be posted up on the 16th but I was just busy to finish it up. ><
MGCYP Camp 2013. Too tired to be crazy I guess XD

When I came back from camp for the first 3 days, everything felt almost normal. Almost. I was horrible exhausted, muscles aching and was constantly sleepy from the lack of sleep. Why? Because planning this camp was hectic.


There is only 4 committee members (CM)!!! Reuben, Yee Ling, Wei Ling and I. There were many roadblocks and obstacles along the way and at time I feel very frustrated and angry. I could literally just blowup during any of the meetings but I manage to control and n the final day of preperation, things just went from bad to worse.

Camp Committee 2013 FB group cover photo

I became the camp commandent and I know that taking up this post is never an easy job because I have done it twice before this camp. I have to sleep late to ensure my campers sleep on time!!! Wakeup early to make sure the hall is prep and campers are awake for quiet time!!! Prep the hall after every session so that the next session start without any delays!!! Making sure all the programs are all ready or need changes!!! Attending to campers, speakers and committee members. Indeed it is a tough and tiring job. At time I wish I could pass this job to someone else but thanks to the strangth given by God's, I manage to pull through.

But who am I kidding? I'm sure the other CM also feelt tired. 2 members had stuff in college like classes and exam yet they still came through rain, jam and reach the campsite at night. The funny thing is, the food we kept for them was stolen by ninja dogs!!! Another member became the first multi tasking Secretary, Treasurer, Logistic and Publicity manager. I don't know how she felt but that seems very stressful to me.


During camp not everything went as planned. 1st day was already had problem with the schedule and then 2nd day jungle tracking and outdoor campfire talent night was cancelled due to the heavy rain (happiness for most girls =__=) but I think God have His reasons. Not to mention the horrible leak for the hall.

However for the musicians, we learn some awesome stuff  from starting musical instruments to singing. Everyone was so focused and enjoyed their time just learning something which we can never learn in church because technically, we all self learn from the internet XD

Drum beat discussion

Our lovely singers

Look at those concentrations

The best part is I get to play a Cajon though I think I hit it too hard till the bone between my fpalm and wrist hurts!!!


For camp I learned so many things. The speaker's (His name is Mr Ritchie Tay, my friend's uncle, Jaymie Tay) message was awesome and powerful but I also learned a lot from planning the camp like how every theme are link, the quiet time in the morning, sessions or even from other people's experiences during reflection.

Awesome lesson

Concentrate peps... STAND TALL!! LOOK HARDER!!!

Final session :')


I think in this camp I became much more open and even shared very very personal family things during quiet time and sessions but cause I was soooo tired, I think I gave grandfather stories. LOL. Reflection however was much more intense. Everyone's mask was broken. All was sharing very hurtful and painful experience and I was just watching everyone tearing and crying like the world just ended. I now understand that I'm not the only one suffering and wearing a happy mask infront of everyone. As one shared, it is good to share your thoughts to those wilkling to listen so that you won't suffer and you can receive help.

Just before the river of tear started flowings

Then, JENG*JENG*JENG*JENGGGGG* I was prompted to share. Oh well, the Camp Commandent can't keep silent right?! I was just going to share my experience in camp and what surprise me was I shared something I wasn't expecting to share. It was my deep hatred towards everyone I knew in my life including myself. I now realize my deep hatred since young and to carry the burden I hated so much, to not be able to enjoy a normal childhood and learn to grow up in a family where I have to become the man of the house at a young age. To think so maturely until the point I'm scared of everything. The people that have always betray me even my closest friends and love ones. I hated all of them including God. I forgotten about Him so many times until sometimes that when I talk about God or about us Christians, I did so without remembering Him. I got addicted to stuff I shouldn't be to find happiness and pleasure (NOT DRUGS!!!). It was time for a change, a revival in my own heart.

Well, something I came up with for a new facebook cover photo =D I'm glad there are people who likes it.


Now, after a week I'm happier than ever. I talked to those I hated, ask for their forgiveness and even started doing quiet time in the morning (I can wakeup early!!! WOOHOOO!!!). I stop decided to really stop my addiction and use the time inststead to do proper stuff like blogging, self improvement for studies, playing drums or piano, and even playing games with friends.

It is going to be a long process but I want to change, to become salt and light of the world, to follow in God's footstep, to be a living testimony and to always remember Him in everything I do.

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