Sunday, March 28, 2010

RBS Experience

Well, this is a overview or you can say testimony of my RBS experience and I'm going to be transparent here. Let's start...

RBS was really a wonderful experience to me. I was actually worried of going RBS because I'm the only fella from MGC but I wasn't worried about anything else. When I first got down the car at HCC (Highland Christian Centre), I felt very out of place. The weather was cold and the place was pack with people I didn't know. I then bit my family farewell, feeling happy to be away from the nagging and noise of their voices but then as the was almost near the main gates, I feel that I actually care about them. I actually, feel sad and I miss them already. But i just shrugged the feeling.

First day was awkward. Introduction was so scary. And even as the days goes by, I seldom dare to start a talk first or join a group because I was afraid of them. So I mostly stay alone and just emo. I even ate my lunch super fast just to play the piano alone so nobody can come and disturb. But then sometime I will also join this groups but just talk a little and join their little jokes. But sometime I'll also become emo for no apparent reason. But I'll usually have some close friends like:

1)Chander (my good friend whose laughter can make you laugh like crazy and a guy you can share your problems with. And a photographer. Another photographer is Meng Xian)
2)Tiam Fei (good hearted, care for others, and always willing to share and help)
3)Bryan (another MADMONKEYZ rock climber) by my side.
4) Luke (the acting Joker)

Even eating breakfast or lunch on Sunday would mostly be silent for me since I always go down alone. But then on our final Sunday, Stephanie and Shenice actually sat with me for breakfast and Steph ask me to follow them shopping. At least I wasn't alone that morning. Thanks.

The classes at HCC was very interesting and the teachers are so fun. Like:

1) Uncle Dexter who is like a father to us more than a headmaster
2) the famous Colin Kirton
3) Auntie Mei Lin who always give food to us
4) Ann the first add medic and also....
5) the unforgettable "RUDI!!!"...

Unfortunately I fell asleep during the Old and New Testament classes... =P Even activities like the jungle trekking, treasure hunt, captain ball, team building games and etc. was so AWESOME!!!

Okie now... Presenting, Team Shirtliff of RBS 2010...!!! I really love my team and somehow got attached to them... Now I miss them so much. lol... Well presenting:

1) my supervisors was Solomon and Luanne (both are super chun people and so fun to be with)
2) Eng Aun (the team leader which show that a team leader doesn't always have to lead but instead support the group in the shadow and also the "Elder" lol),
3) Shenice,
4) Derek (the great speaker, Zamar member)
5) Ian (our bass guitarist, Zamar member)
6) Tze Lin
7) Timothy Ong (the singer, Zamar member)
8) Stephanie (the girl that like to help others and always make people smile)
9) finally me (Jeffrey the emo boy but creative with his hand in making props =P)

And we been through a lot together. We had our OA mission trip and even a mission trip to Daya Gospel Centre where we meet Sabrina and the youth members but I only remember Jennifer from there...

So yeah... I really enjoyed RBS and I was really sad that it ended. But I've still been seeing my RBS friends once in a while so I'm happy... =D

Doesn't mean that if I did not write your name or comment about you means you are not important to me. You have your own ability given by God but maybe I never notice it.

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