Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Big, Happy and Fun Family. The Family I Cherish . . .

I don't know why, but lately I have been very happy when I'm around them. They make me laugh and smile like never before. 

This picture actually means a lot to me. When ever I look at this, it reminds me that I'm glad I got the chance to have meet this wonderful people (not all are here though XD).

Gazo- The main IT expert of our group who is also known as panda and a person with never ending jokes when he is high. Big scary panda but also a big nice guy.

Ee Ching- Have many nicknames and also my boss because she was my teamleader. Serious at times but a nice person who sometimes I enjoy talking about life, experience and sharing my problems with her.
Burger- Left our group and joined the SOT. I think he is the only male cosplayer in our class.

Guan Fung- The number one joker who never fails to show his, "banyak pattern" who cannot stop no matter what.

Joe Ee- A young black belt in taekwondo and a guitarist. Don't let his big size fools you. He is a nice person.

Cherry- A nice girl who takes friendships very seriously.

Amber- The original cat in AU3. She is a person who helps others although she may be a ganas auntie.

Chew Poh- Not in the pic, he is also known as PokPok and he looks like a serious person but actually you find him to be a really nice person if you get to know him. He can be very crazy with Tim and be a funny person. At the same time, he does looks out for people feelings and worried if he made someone feel hurt unintentionally  He have help me a few times and also good in advising me in certain problems.

Finally, the best is always kept for last,

Timothy- I personally call him TimTim. I considered him as my cute grandson and he is also the center of I call him "cute" but actually, he is a very strong independent person. He helped me me many ways even if he doesn't feel it. He made me try to forget about my problems in life, to lighten up (hard though), not to hurt myself, to be more open and more daring to be a better person. Now I dare to try new clothes, and new hairstyle without bothering what others say. Also, I really love to hug him and rub his head. In a way that is how I actually shows my friendship to him. :3 I even love it when he rub my head cause for some reasons, that will make me sleep easily and he give the best hand massage for my aching back.

But this are not the only friends I have from AU3. There are literally more and each of them are special in some ways and seems like we never fail to worry for one another.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

This is the funniest family tree I have ever seen in my life.... XD
Though it isn't real, but just seeing this really make me happy. Reason? Because I really think of the Awesome U3 as my family because they are really special to me even though they might not feel the same to me... I love you everyone... =')

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Awesome U3

When I join Diploma in Multimedia Design, I thought I would be alone. But I'm glad that I'm blessed to meet and know all of this wonderful people. Each of them are special and unique in their own way thus it is always fun and entertaining everytime I'm with them. Thank you, Awesome U3.

Part of Awesome U3 from Kuantan


What are friends?

Friends are people who are true and faithful. They do not betray, back stab, abandon you when you are in need. They will do their best to help you, listen to you when you are in trouble or sadness. They will cheer you up when you are sad or depressed. They will try to help you feel better when you are hurt or in pain. They will try to comfort you when you are angry. They will reassured you when you are in disaster and trouble. They will shelter you when you are abandon. They will save you or protect you when you need it. They will try to understand you. Even when you are resting, dating, when you are in bed in the middle of the night, when you need their help desperately, they will come to you. They will help you without asking for anything in return. They will not use you. Most of all, they will love you for who you are.

Indeed friends are great. They will try to help you as much as their ability allow them. Maybe they will even go over their ability allow them and go to the extreme to help you. There are so many more things I can list out. So let me ask you a question. Can I be your friend?