Sunday, February 23, 2014

Expressions and Imaginations

Everyday, when I'm awake, as the sun rises in the morning, in the house all alone, I will lay on my bed, looking up to the ceiling and thinking about the day ahead, how every minute would be spent. Other times, I will just sit on the sofa, staring through the glass doors, staring into oblivion to where the sunlight shines from. No matter what, those are the times I could think, reflect, to imagine, to pray. It's my quiet time.

Everyday I will wonder what will happen on that particular day. What will I find or experience. If I can put this into taste, maybe the the day will be bitter sweet like dark chocolate, sweet like strawberry, hot like soup, spicy like curry or even cold but sweet like ice cream.

Sometimes, I would imagine an angel, beautiful as can be.
With hair that shines like silk and flows like the falls.
The eyes would shine like the starry night sky and the smile which can warms up the coldest day.
How the angelic voice can fill the air and calm a raging storm.
And the skin would be like cotton, soft and warm to the touch.

Its fun in a way, how a person's mind is powerful to create such beauty. Through the imaginary world in their mind can they only create such beauty in the the real world. it's enough to remove all unhappiness and fill everything with joy and love. It's strange how I actually thought about all this. From expressing days into tastes and to imagine a beautiful angel. Must be from the books I'm reading.

I think that to convey your feelings doesn't necessarily have to be always through words because it can be hard or embarrasing. Example, whatever I see, whatever I do, whatever that is beautiful, instead on putting it as a status on Facebook or Tweerer, I will just snap a photo instead and share it to the world because as they say, a picture speaks a thousand words. Whenever I'm alone church, I will immerse myself in music and start playing on the piano, drum or sing with my voice (I'm a terrible singer). I can put my emotions into my music. Simply to put it, express your feelings in your own way.

LOL. Something super random which came out of the blue.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

MGCYP CNY Visitation

Its the time of year again when the youth will go around to visit a few houses for CNY. We visited Aunty Koon Yoon, Cikgu and Reuben house. We even had a new friend, Sky, introduced by Sin Tuck.

At Aunty Koon Yoon's, Wei Ling told us we have forgotten to write on the CNY card for the host. Funny thing is we keep sayng we shall prepare for the next house but the same mistake keep repeating. LOL!!! It was slow at first to get into the mood. A few talk here and there until Joshua arrived with his ukulele. Thats when the party sort of started. 

We had Joshua and Wei Ling to entertain us with their ukulele skills!!! They both played CNY song and Wei Ling even played I Want to Hold Your Hand by the Beatles!!! This ukulele version was just awesome. 

The girls which gaave us an awesome life performance :D

We had a nice time of playing games (I just keep shooting photos). We had one table with Ashveen trying to learn how to play mahjoong from Jen Yoong. At another table, we have the girls and our new friends playing cards. I decided to shoot a short video so I sat on a compute chair with wheels and had Ashveen to pull me to get the dolly effect. It was funny but I manage to get the effect and motion was nice haha.

Jen Yoong teaching Ashveen how to play Mahjong :p

The guys plotting their strategy.

At Cikgu's house, we enjoyed the small cozy space of the house packed with us. We just sit, laugh, eat and drink. Cikgu catered food for us and we just keep walking back and forth trying to finish it. Sadly I didn't get any ang pau cause I visited their hse during CNY itself. Sobsob*


The flowers in Cikgu's japanese garden was a sight to behold. They were all blooming nicely with pretty colors. Although it was hot, I spend some time there trying to get some nice shoots. Didn't regret getting cooked for this photos.

Almost got a perfect black background if it wasn't for the red pail.


So red~~~

As requested before hand, games was prepared as part of the entertainment at Cikgu's place and who else but Wei Ling to prepare an aweseome game related to horse!!! We were given a few questions to answer and the tip was not to think too seriously. Sadly I sat there for some time trying not to think so seriously T___T. Well, me and Ash got the lowest mark of 2 / 10 but still it was an awesome and funny game which was used at Kelvin's house to torture his cousin and Churn Haw. Well, it was fun horsing around. HAHA

Ashveen feeling super happy that his answer was correct. LOL!!!

Wei Ling laughing at our weird answers XD

To end our visitation to Cikgu's place, we had 2 rounds of Mafia and no matter what, the Mafia always win!!! I was executed twice by everyone!!! For round one, I was the Healer/ Doctor and in round 2, I was the spy. The most cunning one was Audrey who had the innocent/ blur/ poker face to the point no one suspected her to be the mafia in round 2!!!

Ivan the facilitator of Mafia

GROUP PIC!!! Me trying to stay short for the guys behind!!!

By the time we reached Reuben's house, we were all tired from all the fun so we mostly just sit down and had Sky serenade us with his guitar playing. To end this post, here is a short CNY wishing to you all from the youth of MGC!!!

This version is updated and have an extra scene compared to the one uploaded in facebook. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Into The New Year Again :P

Well, January had been sort of an eventful month with new year resolution, assignments, one sleepless night (so far), activities and events. All in all it was still good and exciting so I have no complain.

Well, here is a big announcement!!! I'm now the Secretary for my youth main committee. Not what I expected but oh well, I guess its God's plan for me. So my first time doing the minutes was like so tiring. I could not even rest during the meeting and I had to keep double checking my info with a few people before posting the minutes. Still, at least its a good change to take up a newer and higher responsibility.(^//,//^)

What I was really excited about from January was Dancepiration, which was organized by the Rotary Club. A performance done by kids from China as young as 5 up till 17 if I'm not mistaken. Thanks to Uncle Shan, I manage to get a free ticket for myself (sorry mummy XD). I had to travel there by LRT cause I was worried about traffic but I regretted. It's like there was no car at all. Well, at least I had my sis and Wei Ling to keep me from boredom for that 15min.

Here was the best part. I went there as an audience but after the group photo with some of the kids, Uncle Shan came to me, hold me by my shoulder and said to me, 'wear this and take some photo. You are one of us now boy'. I was really stun!!! I was debatting if I should reject or not. 

Well, at least I was not getting paid so I have obligation to work so hard. I was wrong. I got competitive and tried to do better than the pro photographer the Rotary Club hired!!! If you were there, you could see me disappearing and appearing at different parts of the hall. Even got the chance to be on center stage just to take a photo of the whole hall!!!

My beloved Uncle Shan

The girls :D

Panaromic of Uncle Shan addressing the audience

I was really glad I was ask to photograph cause I could go to the balconies and to the front to take photo but at the same time enjoy the view. Mind you, I only had a Canon 600D, 17-50mm f2.8 and an old 70-30mm f4-5.6 which I used the most throughout the whole event and it doesn't not even have a stabilizer!!! This is really called shooting with what you have. I did bring myNikon but I let the girls use it :p

Overall, the performance was SUPERB!!! EXCELLENCE!!! FANTASTIC!!! I really would throw flowers to the kids if I ever got the chance.


Well, CNY in KL seems to be normal as usual. I might have bad memories but I'm pretty sure decorations and the feel of CNY in KL when I was young used to be very grand. Still, Pavilion never failed to put up a grand decoration.

So as usual, I will stayed back in KL for CNY. Well, I'm just lazy to balik Tangkak, Johor. At least have my mum and sisters to accompany me XD. So for CMY eve, we had Yee Sang for lunch and then played some sparkles at night.

And who since it's CNY, I thought of getting a new profile pic. Lengzai right? :p 

This however was not taken in a studio as to most people beliefs. It was shoot at home (around 10.30pm!!!), with some homemade lighting and a white cloth as the background. Took me an hour to get one that is just nice. If I can do this I'm sure you (whoever that want to try) can do better.


So on the 1st of February, sort of celebrated CNY with Samson at Cikgu's house. I was surprised when the Ng's also came. So we spend time talking, chit chatting and watching tv. Had a good time talking with Cikgu and asking for advice and guidance :p

After that I had the urge to go to ikea and I was really surprised there was loads of people still shopping though some of the shops are closed down around Ikano and the Curve :(

Well, the day ended with a mouth full of laughter. On the way home around 8pm +, I noticed one of my car tire was almost flat. So I quickly find a petrol station and did any person would do. I pumped the tire and the next thing I know is the air valve just pop out and my tire deflated. How it was fixed was a staff came to help, applied some super glue and stuffed the valve back in. It ended with the staff asking for ang pau. So much for a good samaritan >_< at least I got home so I can't say anything. LOL!!!


To end this post, all I want to say is CNY for me was quiet and a bit lonely but I'm happy and glad. I can really just relax and just enjoy the quietness of KL before everyone start coming back. Fine la, I missed everyone >_< I even cleaned my room before college starts again and found all of this name tags from my previous youth camp dating back to 2006. My first time associating with the youth was in 2005. I'm feeling old. 

Till next time. Bye bye and God bless :D