Sunday, February 23, 2014

Expressions and Imaginations

Everyday, when I'm awake, as the sun rises in the morning, in the house all alone, I will lay on my bed, looking up to the ceiling and thinking about the day ahead, how every minute would be spent. Other times, I will just sit on the sofa, staring through the glass doors, staring into oblivion to where the sunlight shines from. No matter what, those are the times I could think, reflect, to imagine, to pray. It's my quiet time.

Everyday I will wonder what will happen on that particular day. What will I find or experience. If I can put this into taste, maybe the the day will be bitter sweet like dark chocolate, sweet like strawberry, hot like soup, spicy like curry or even cold but sweet like ice cream.

Sometimes, I would imagine an angel, beautiful as can be.
With hair that shines like silk and flows like the falls.
The eyes would shine like the starry night sky and the smile which can warms up the coldest day.
How the angelic voice can fill the air and calm a raging storm.
And the skin would be like cotton, soft and warm to the touch.

Its fun in a way, how a person's mind is powerful to create such beauty. Through the imaginary world in their mind can they only create such beauty in the the real world. it's enough to remove all unhappiness and fill everything with joy and love. It's strange how I actually thought about all this. From expressing days into tastes and to imagine a beautiful angel. Must be from the books I'm reading.

I think that to convey your feelings doesn't necessarily have to be always through words because it can be hard or embarrasing. Example, whatever I see, whatever I do, whatever that is beautiful, instead on putting it as a status on Facebook or Tweerer, I will just snap a photo instead and share it to the world because as they say, a picture speaks a thousand words. Whenever I'm alone church, I will immerse myself in music and start playing on the piano, drum or sing with my voice (I'm a terrible singer). I can put my emotions into my music. Simply to put it, express your feelings in your own way.

LOL. Something super random which came out of the blue.

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