Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I have been avoiding fever for this whole year and now... I got it yesterday after going to Nat's place to pickup some SPM papers... =.= I have to cycle there when my mum could have send me... So I have a major headache and could not sleep... Annoying...

So while i was sleeping, Nat message this text to me which I read in the morning... I have no idea whether was it to comfort me or to scare me...


Hahaha. Ok. Start hoping that its normal fever. Just to let you know. Fever is not a disease. Fever is a symptom of a disease. Fever is caused by a viral infection and other things. :) i think you're more worried now. Hahaha. Don't worry. You won't die. :) get well soon. See you. Hahaha.

As they say... "what are good friend for?"


Anonymous said...

u noe, if sumbody told me that, i would have felt even more scared.. Nat just isn't a very comforting person, u noe....

Unknown said...

thats it lah, nat's got doctor material..

Jeffrey said...

What to do.... Nat is like that =P