Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas week~~~ :D

Well, here is another post for my half dying blog if anyone even still use a blog.

Christmas was definitely interesting. On the 21st Dec, I attended a joint evangelistic musical play which was performed by Petra Gospel Centre and collaborated with Cheras Gospel Centre, Teratai Mewah Gospel Centre, Setapak Gospel Centre and yours truly, Melawati Gospel Centre. They really went all out for this play!!! The prop was realy detailed, the acting and background music was splendid and the best of all, the message that was delivered was strong.

To me, this play got to be the best so far and I really enjoyed. Many people even accepted Christ through this event and I'm glad. Praise God :D

On the 23rd, we had ou usual caroling night but sadly we only had 3 house to visit this year compared to last time where we would take 3 days... T.T This year, we had Aunty Joy (as usual), Uncle James and Uncle Shan (the usual and last house ><). This year we have 3 new addition to our caroling group, we have my sister, Emily, and Wei Ling's friends, Audrey and Chou Tong.

On the 24th, we had our evangelistic youth Christas party where we manage to bring some new friends to join us. :D Worship was really nice and everyone from my POV (point of view) was smiling and laughing :P

We even had gift exchange!!! So everyone got a gift even those who didn't bring anything cause they came last minute. I got a set of Sharpie!!! Hahaha... Good for me also :P

To end the day, we had a game of Chu Chu ball which many calls it the flying saliva game... XD Everyone had their fair share of getting spat in the face and I think my saliva flew to the other end of the table in front of Yee Ling... Hahaha... XD 

On the 25th, we had the usual Christmas service in church and well, since its Jesus birthday I decided to wear super formal XD... Red shirt, black slacks, black tie and even wore my a blazer my grandpa gave me. Even the speaker felt he was underdress cause of me >< Oops.... Lunch at church was also awesome and mum event prepared some blueberry cheese tart just for hat occasion and I'm glad to see people enjoyng it!!! (Well, I stole some the day before so oops... sorry everyone... ;P) 

Well,after church we decided to watch Disney Frozen (before the service started, I asked everyone and their faces, especially a few girls lighted up really very brightly!!! Wished I could take a photo of that >.<) However, the cinema was packed and the ticket for Frozen was sold out so we decided to watch 47 Ronnin!!! While waiting for the movie to start, we went to the center court and watch a little magic show!!! The clown was funny and I can see the little kids love her. Sometime I wish I was a kid again so I an enjoy those simple moments again ><

At the end, the movie was really awesome and I reall glad I actually decided to join my church this year for the Christmas service :D

Well, though Christmas was over, but on the 29th YP was cancelled and became a lunch session mch to my dismay cause I prepared for worship!!! Oh well... The lunch was still awesome... All the talking, gossip, laughter and jokes!!! Thanks Cikgu for belanja-ing us....

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