Monday, January 6, 2014

Pure Randomness

I'm just pure bored right now. At home alone, waiting for my next class, finished reading my book, no assignment, nothing to see online, ok so I thought of just posting something very random like a little kid from primary school XD

So, college have been rather dull... Assignments are rolling in slowly so there is nothing to panic, yet. I hope this year I can do everything on time for once in my life. Honestly, I'm tired of last minute works and not sleeping for 2 days!!! Surprisingly that one of the subject, 'Photo Media' is almost the same as my Photography class from Diploma. Boring but what for I complain? At least it is something I can do well... Time to act high and mighty now... HAHAHAHA XD

Well, this week started of with a shock of the new class schedule!!! I have 4 days of 8am to 6pm classes. Ergh... This is the time I will start missing my Form 5 life :'( Though I may have only 2 to 4 subjects a day but staying out is so tiring and boring at times cause unlike my friends, I don't have to follow them for Bahasa Kebangsaan classes so that usually leaves me alone just to wait for them... =___=

On a good note, last night was awesome. Went out around 10pm to have mamak food with my old childhood friends and we ate, talk, ate, talk all the way till 1.30am!!! Even after mamak, right infront of my house, we continued talking until 3.30am and I slept at 4am so that I can get ready for my 8am class. If I can wakeup in time that is... >___<

Ok, pure randomness over.. time for a nap XD

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